Queen & Co. Project – Happy Harmony

Two Music Themed Shaker Cards with the Queen & Co. Happy Harmony Kit!

Hello crafty card makers! I hope you are having a beautiful day! Strumming our way to musical bliss with these two cards from the Queen and Co Happy Harmony Kit! Can you feel the harmony in the air? Let the rhythm of the guitar and the magic of the music note captivate your creativity. Today I made 2 cards with the Queen & Co. Happy Harmony Kit. This set makes making shakers so very easy and fun! I hope you like the cards I made today:)

This amazing Kit includes 15 dies, 18 foam/acetate shakers, 10 diamond toppings, 4×6 stamps set and 6×6 double sided paper pad. You can watch how I made them on my YouTube Channel Just Click Here. Grab your coffee friends and lets get to crafting! Wishing you a wonderful and crafty day! Hugs, Tina


A Full Detailed Supply List is in the YouTube Video Description Area:)

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Watch the Tutorial Below or Click Here!

Happy Crafting!

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